Monday, August 31, 2009


Well, we are moving yet again. We applied for bigger post housing way back in February when we found out we were expecting our third baby. I got the call two weeks ago to let us know we can come get our keys on September 2nd. YAY! We have to hand in the old house keys on the 16th. That gives me two weeks to get everything over to the new house and to clean the old place. I am a little sad to be moving though. Our neighbors here are awesome and the kids all play together so well. But, the new place is SO much bigger! We are going from 1250 sq. ft. to 2011 sq. ft. Plus we will have a garage, a fenced in garage and a HUGE walk in closet in our room and a full master bath. Ahhhhh....yes I can't wait. It is just in time too. I can't wait to get settled in and get ready for the baby! I just realized that I haven't put pictures on here in AGES! I will post later and put new pictures up.

Jeremy has been making fantastic progress with his weight! He lost 8 pounds last month and 7 pounds this month. I think that if he continues that, we will be calling him Sergeant soon! He looks really good. I have to be very careful with what I am cooking and what I have for snacks here. Being 8 months pregnant, this is sometimes a very difficult task.

My girls are getting so big! Leah started 3 year old preschool a couple weeks back and she LOVES it. She tells Lauren and I all about it when we pick her up after school. Lauren hangs on every word too. Lauren and I have really been enjoying the alone time together. She is such a funny little thing. Not that I ignore her when Leah is around, but it is fun to really see her personality shining when Leah is at school. She is a jokester. She likes to make really funny faces. But she gets embarrassed if anyone but Mommy sees her. Leah is VERY excited to have her baby brother. She keeps asking me "Mommy, is Micah going to come in 2 days?". She is always disappointed when I tell her no that it will be longer than that. Both of the girls really love babies, so I am hpoing it isn't too hard for them when Micah does make his arrival. We were so worried about Leah acting up when Lauren was born. But she loved her baby sister and thought she was the sweetest baby you ever did see. So, I am hoping that it goes as well this time.

I have decided that I don't want to have any more babies. It may be the third trimester talking. But I am pretty sure that this baby is it for us. We aren't going to do anything super permanent because we could change our monds down the road. But, I am about 99.9% positive that this is it for us. I have been pregnant and/or nursing since January of 2006....with NO breaks! So, I am really ready to have my body back. I love my babies and I just plain love babies. But, this is it. I always wondered how you could be sure about your last one. Now I know how. You just know when you are having your last one. I am a little sad. I love being pregnant and I love sweet newborn skin and watching them grow. But I am ready to raise them up now. I am ready to get my body to where I want it to be. I can't wait until my kids are school age! (Well, I can....but it sounds so good some days!) I am ready to not change any more poopy diapers!! I just have the feeling that now our little (well not so little anymore) family is complete. I have two beautiful girls and now am having my son. A few years ago I would have thought that was impossible. Our fertility doctors said that wouldn't happen to us. They said my tubes were bad and I wouldn't get pregnant on my own. Well, God had a different plan for us! He blessed us with three in three years!! WOW!

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